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Sandra Iozzelli - Free yourself from negative emotions and reconnect with yourself

How to Protect Your Peace of Mind: Three Tips from a Hypnotherapist

Discover simple practices to avoid habits that sabotage your emotional well-being and regain your inner balance.

Have you ever wondered how to stay calm amidst the chaos of everyday life? Modern life is full of challenges that take a toll on our emotional well-being. As a clinical hypnotherapist, I’ve learned that certain habits can drain our inner peace. Here are three key practices you can avoid to protect your mind and well-being.


1. Feeding negative thoughts when you wake up

The first few minutes after waking up are crucial. Your mind operates in a subconscious receptive state, which means that your thoughts at that stage set the tone for your day.

Why it matters:

If you start your day with thoughts like, “Today is going to be a disaster,” your subconscious will search for evidence to confirm that belief. Positive psychology studies reveal that our morning thoughts have a domino effect on mood, productivity, and ability to cope with stress.

How to start your day on the right foot:

  • Practice gratitude: Think of three things you are grateful for.

  • Use affirmations like, "Today I choose calm and joy."

  • Visualize a positive and fulfilling day.

The first minutes of the day are an opportunity to program your mind towards the positive.

Sunrise light illuminating a quiet room.
Start your day with gratitude and positive affirmations.

2. Having a negative internal dialogue

That voice in your head that evaluates everything you do can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy.

Why it is important:

Your brain doesn't distinguish between what's real and what you imagine; it simply responds to what you think. If you tell yourself "I'm not capable," your mind will find ways to confirm that belief.

How to transform your internal dialogue:

  • Replace limiting phrases with empowering statements.

  • Use phrases like, "I can replace these thoughts with peace."

What you tell yourself defines how you approach life. Rewrite your narrative.

Notebook with a handwritten motivational phrase.
Positive self-talk transforms your life.

3. Repressing emotions instead of releasing them

Emotions don't go away by ignoring them. If you don't process them, they manifest as anxiety or physical stress.

Why release emotions:

Repressing emotions can affect your body, causing chronic pain or anxiety. Releasing them helps you regain your emotional balance.

How to release repressed emotions:

  • Identify the emotion: Notice if you feel fear or worry.

  • Find the sensation in your body: It may be tension in your chest, neck or stomach.

  • Let it flow: Don't judge the emotion, just feel it until it dissipates.

Feeling your emotions doesn't mean getting stuck in them, but releasing them to move forward.

Backpack left on the road with glowing particles dissipating.
Releasing repressed emotions leads to inner peace.

Conclusion: Choose your inner peace every day

Taking care of your peace of mind is not a luxury, it is a necessity. By avoiding these three habits and adopting conscious practices, you can transform your day-to-day life. Remember: every small step towards a positive mindset has a significant impact on your life.

Discover more tips and resources on my blog to continue your journey towards emotional well-being.

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