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Sandra Iozzelli - Free yourself from negative emotions and reconnect with yourself

How to Release Repressed Emotions and Regain Your Inner Peace

Una mujer con expresión de alivio, sosteniendo una mano en su pecho, mientras respira profundamente en un entorno tranquilo.
Releasing repressed emotions is the first step toward a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by emotions you don’t know how to handle? It’s common to feel trapped in a web of feelings like fear, guilt, or anxiety that sometimes seem to take control of your life. But what if I told you there’s a way to release those emotions and reclaim your inner peace?

In this article, I’ll introduce you to my AIR Technique (Acknowledge, Identify, Release)—a simple yet transformative approach that not only helps you manage your emotions but also allows you to live a more fulfilling and mindful life. Keep reading to discover how you can take charge of your emotional well-being and start your journey to inner peace.

Repressed emotions don’t go away; they remain trapped in our bodies, affecting our physical and emotional well-being.


Why Do We Repress Our Emotions?

From a young age, we’re taught to ignore or suppress our emotions with phrases like: “Don’t cry,” “Don’t get angry,” or “Don’t be so sensitive.” This avoidance of emotional expression leads us to hide what we feel, viewing it as a sign of weakness. However, repressed emotions don’t disappear; they stay trapped in our bodies and, over time, accumulate, affecting both our physical and emotional health.

This unresolved emotional baggage can also manifest as muscle tension, unexplained pain, or recurring discomfort. According to Dr. John E. Sarno, our unconscious mind can even generate physical symptoms to divert our attention from repressed emotions we don’t want to face.


My AIR Technique: Acknowledge, Identify, Release

Un cuerpo humano estilizado mostrando puntos de tensión emocional (por ejemplo, áreas brillando en el pecho o abdomen), indicando dónde se sienten las emociones atrapadas.
The AIR Technique helps identify and release emotions trapped in the body.

The AIR Technique helps identify and release emotions trapped in the body.

The AIR Technique is a practical and accessible method for effectively releasing trapped emotions. This approach not only helps you manage present emotions but also allows you to let go of those you’ve carried for years—or even from past lives.

  1. Acknowledge: Recognize the emotion you’re feeling. This step requires honesty and self-awareness. For example, you might say, “I’m feeling anxious about this meeting.”Identify: Locate where the emotion is

  2. felt in your body. Emotions often manifest physically in areas like the chest, stomach, or shoulders. Perform a body scan to find it and measure its intensity on a scale of 0 to 10.

  3. Release: Let go of the emotion by fully feeling it. Focus your attention on the physical sensation without resistance or attempts to change it. You’ll notice how its intensity decreases until it disappears completely.

This technique is ideal for use in any situation where overwhelming emotions arise, from everyday stress to moments of uncertainty or emotional conflicts.

With the AIR Technique, you can effectively manage your emotions and release those you’ve carried for years—or even from past lives.


Applying the AIR Technique in Daily Life

Imagine feeling anxious before an important presentation. By applying the AIR Technique, you can:

  • Acknowledge: “I’m feeling anxious about this presentation.”

  • Identify: “I feel a knot in my stomach and tension in my shoulders.”

  • Release: Focus your attention on these sensations until they dissolve, leaving you feeling more relaxed.

This exercise not only reduces anxiety in the moment but also helps you approach the situation with greater clarity and calmness.


Benefits of Emotional Release

Practicing the AIR Technique regularly can transform your life:

  • Stress Reduction: Releasing trapped emotions allows your mind and body to find their natural balance.

  • Physical Improvement: Letting go of emotional tension can help reduce aches and discomfort.

  • Mental Clarity: Releasing stored emotions enables you to make decisions from a place of calm and insight.


Start Today

Persona sentada en una silla, mirando por una ventana iluminada por el sol en una habitación acogedora. Ambiente sereno y relajado.
Find the inner peace you deserve and begin managing your emotions mindfully.

Find the inner peace you deserve and begin managing your emotions mindfully.

Emotions are a fundamental part of our human experience. It’s not about eliminating them but allowing ourselves to feel and release them. With the AIR Technique, you can take control of your emotions rather than letting them control you. Dedicate a few minutes each day to practicing it, and you’ll notice your life starting to transform.

Today could be the day you take charge of your emotional well-being and find the inner peace you deserve.

Are you ready to start? Today might just be the day you take control of your emotional well-being and embrace the peace you’ve been seeking.

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© 2025 by Sandra Iozzelli.

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